Friday, January 01, 2010

It appears that the last time I posted anything on this blog was one year ago. How neglectful. I do not think the lack of readers should keep me from expressing myself. (In fact it is good reason do it.) I am too unorganized to keep my thoughts anywhere else, nor can I contain them in my head. I am unsure as to why I haven't been writing. My New Years resolution is to try to maintain a stream of thought on here. Why? Because I can? I don't know, maybe it is a need. Sometimes I read a book or watch a movie in which the characters express a passion for something, art, cooking, music, or anything. This inspires me to search for mine. They say that writing is a good way to look. So maybe if I try to sit on here a couple of times a week and just start randomly typing, like they have us do in class, I might "unbrain" some deeply hidden, brilliant something or other. Perhaps I will find my "voice." Although I will say that blogging is frightening to me because even if one strange person stumbles across this page and takes a second to glance at it, it is out there. Yikes! With that being said Happy New Year!

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