Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gripe #127845

Seventeen degrees below zero!!!! Global warming my butt! Yes I reside in what, today, feels like the frozen wasteland of the moon. Human beings are not built to have a life in this kind of weather. I must walk my dog down the treacherous icy sidewalks, tensely anticipating the inevitable black and blue buttocks and knees. Seven layers required to let my dog perform her natural functions and to maintain her sanity from being cooped up for days at a time. She loves it, she thinks it is funny that I have to walk around stiff as a robot and pick up her poop. Meanwhile scents are at their best in the chilly winter air, she constantly stops every few feet to investigate the latest traffic. I stand waiting, freezing, waiting, freezing, and wondering why it is again that I feel the need for this one-sided companionship. The subzero temperatures render all emotions, other than irritation, useless until I am able to thaw out and once again feel human. There is crappy TV on, and I took out part of my garage with my car today, and I am PMS-ing. Where is my electric blanket I am going to sleep until March!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Just a story about a squirrel.

Last fall I spent hours out in my back yard reading a book and chilling with my dog. On some of these occasions I noticed a gray squirrel collecting his treasures. He would bring them to a little trove he created under the picnic table provided for our use. I never noticed where he came from but he would enter the yard carefully, eying us up, when he decided we were no threat he would hurry across the yard and under the table. His little legs would move quickly as he uncovered his spot, lay the nut in and slyly push the dirt back over it and off he would go. He repeated this process several times over the weeks. When the weather turned, threatening ice and snow our landlord put the table away and I forgot all about our little squirrel.
Recently we had a serious snow snowfall. I brought my dog out into the pristinely white yard. We were the first ones out there which is why I noticed the five small holes all in the vicinity of where the picnic table should have been. They were kind of random because he didn't have his landmark. It made a little sad to think of all of the work he put into his treasure. I really hope he found it.