Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Put the Blame where it belongs!

I have something to say about the proposed "Dog Breed Ban" trying to push through the state legislature. This law will ban Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Akitas, and Chow Chows in the entire state of Minnesota. If it passes owners of these breeds will be forced to euthanize their dogs or move. If they do not comply their dogs will be seized.

Now, I am the first person to jump on my soapbox when it comes to irresponsible dog owners. I simply have no tolerance for people who will not clean up after their dogs, or let their unneutered pet run loose. I can not stand it when people spoil the creature so much it doesn't even know it is a dog anymore. This can cause psychological issues for everyone involved. It is as irritating as someone letting their child ride a bike in the bagel shop! Come on people they can be a member of the family and still retain a sense of who and what they are. They respect and desire good leadership, just like the American people!

I am so frustrated over the fact that dogs are taking the blame for stupid human beings!!! Nine times out of ten, when there is an incident involving a dog it is due to an irresponsible dog owner. But instead of punishing the owner it is the dog that takes a fall. These breeds have to take the fall because idiots are attracted to these dogs for the wrong reasons. (I am not talking about the people who do it the right way, I know you're out there.) It is these people who ruin it for the rest of us. This same mentality causes overpopulation in shelters around this country. The wrong people get the wrong dog! Come on! Get with the program. Do some research! Don't get a cute puppy that grows into a rambunctious, uncontrollable 80 pound beast when what you really want was a pocket dog. Think! Do not get a dog for your five year old and expect that child to handle the training and grooming. These animals end up unwanted, untrained and in the shelter.

It is this same horrifying thinking that that gets us all in trouble. Someone wants a tough looking dog because it is cool. Well how cool is it now?!! The responsibility that comes with these gorgeous animals is too much. Ignorant people cause this problem, plain and simple. There was a time when the Dalmatian was the number one dog for biting with out warning. They aren't on the list. I have been bitten by more Cocker Spaniels than any other dog. They aren't in trouble.
Rotts and Pit Bulls are nice dogs that come with a lot of strength and intelligence.

Unfortunately I do not have a solution to the problem just a strong opinion. I say that the law needs to be tougher on the ridiculous owners, but don't punish the responsible people. don't take their family members away

Put the blame where the blame belongs


Rob said...

I hear you and share your frustration. Always passing the blame, no actions for the irresponsible. I hope common snse will prevail here. But remeber, Minnesota is the state where nearly nothing is allowed.

Althea Rocks said...

You are quite right.