Monday, July 09, 2007

Gripe #437

There are few things more irritating than having to shave your legs. Especially when you have been using a dull razor for too long and suddenly switch to a new one. My goodness. Who started the leg shaving rule anyway? When? Leg hair is completely natural on 99.99% of all human woman and most non-human female mammals. So why then, are we forced to fight the endless battle of leg shaving. No matter how many foams, creams, non-irritating soaps, specialty razors or hair removing lotions they put out it remains a vain inconvenience. To those of you capable of enduring electrolysis and can afford it Rock on! Waxing?! EEK! To those of you who don't bother with it at all,You hold True Power. In the mean time I am compelled, even though I never wear shorts and remain single, to shave my legs on a regular basis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.